B.2 The International Group
The International Group of P&I Clubs, in this commentary referred to as the Group, is formed of 13 P&I Clubs: two operated from Norway, one from Japan, the U.S.A. and Sweden, and the remaining eight based essentially in England.
The Group exists to arrange collective insurance and reinsurance for the participating clubs, to represent the views of shipowners and Charterers who belong to those clubs on matters of concern to the shipping industry and to provide a forum for the exchange of information.
The Group appoints a number of subcommittees to deal with issues of major and common interest. Information and recommendations are shared between the clubs and used in the best interest of their Members.
Together, the Group Clubs insure over 90% of the world fleet. Therefore, the Group speaks with great authority and provides an effective voice for its Members, particularly with regard to new conventions and legislation affecting the liabilities of shipowners and Charterers and their insurance. It carries out this function in relation to inter-governmental bodies such as the IMO and UNCTAD, as well as in relation to national governments. The Group has its secretariat in London.